Our managing director talks to Publishing Perspectives about chatGPT
In an interview with Thomas Cox, managing director of Arq Works, he shares his insights on OpenAI’s ChatGPT and its impact on the publishing industry.
In an interview with Thomas Cox, managing director of Arq Works, he shares his insights on OpenAI’s ChatGPT and its impact on the publishing industry.
Our latest tool to hit the market is an AI-powered book classification system that can automatically classify books according to the BISAC and Editeur Thema standards. The system uses natural language processing and machine learning to analyze the content of each book and assign it to relevant categories.
Released on Nov 30 2020 chatGPT is a new AI model by the OpenAI research laboratory which previously created the DALL·E image creation AI. OpenAI has received funding from Microsoft and Elon Musk and describes itself as a for-profit company with a non-profit mission.
Rarely, a new technology comes along that has the potential to truly revolutionise our lives but after testing chatGPT and looking into how it works this feels like one of them. In this article, I take a look at the technology and start thinking about applications in the publishing industry.
Happy 2023!! (unless you are reading this in the future in which case ignore that bit)
We are getting our events diary in place for 2023 and will be at several of the following, in this post is a (hopefully) helpful list of industry events.
If you are going to any of these events and want to meet with us then let us know info@arq.works
Book categorisation can be key to the marketing success of a title or content. When potential readers are searching for a book if it is not categorised or is incorrectly categorised then they have very little chance of finding it.
We have recently been looking at classification systems. There exists a wide range of classification systems. Some of these focus on very specific topics others try to provide a top-level set of categories that cover all content.
At present book publishers generally require that the content is classified within two of these systems BISAC and Editeur Thema. In this post, we will introduce both formats and let you know how they can be used.
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